Monday, November 24, 2008

It's raining

It's raining. I love it when it rains. I love it when I can sit in my new "office" and read Jim Thompson and Rich Butlers blogs between doing schoolwork. The Rain makes me think. Not really about anything in particular, but just think. That's the kind of thinking that helps me. Today I thought about many unrelated things. I thought about last night at the Trans-Siberian Orchestra when the man with the amazing voice sang "every man is your brother, and every child is ours". What a thought. I could benefit by thinking that way more often. I believe that we all have common desires, but we seek to fulfill them in different ways. We all want happiness and satisfaction. Of course I believe that these things can only come from God but that's not what I'm talking about here. Even those of us who know God go about satisfying these desires differently. It may be easy to say the man that robs a bank and the man that neglects his family and works 80 hours a week are both seeking happiness through wealth and they are both going about it the wrong way. What about the man desperate to get home to his family who rides the bumper of the man who's going slow because his family is in the car and he wants them to be safe. Which man is justified more in his anger. The first man just wants to be with his family, is it too much to ask that the car in front of him at least goes the speed limit? The man going slow wants to make sure that his family is going to live through the traffic so he can be with them for years to come, can't that idiot behind him understand, and drive just a little slower? Yeah I'm a sucker for stupid examples, but maybe that one will help with my road rage next time. Maybe next time I'm stuck behind a lady with 57 coupons and a checkbook as I'm just trying to buy some orange juice, I'll think of her trying to save some money so she can buy her kids some Christmas presents this year. Maybe I'll think of her kids as my kids too. Children of this society. Yes I want the best for my kids, but does that have to be to the detriment of others kids? Would I make the world a better place for my boys by having the same compassion for other boys as I do for them? Would we be able to avoid partisan politics, religious animosity, road rage, riots, and wars if we realized that we are not competing for our side to win but that both sides are striving for the betterment of everyone? Would it make it easier to figure things out through debate and discussion if we didn't resort to arguing and attacking each other? I don't know. I was just thinking. I was thinking "every man is my brother, and every child is ours".

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